Bridge Any CAD to Sundance RMS
Yes, you can get a better records application that fully integrates to ANY dispatch application you currently have. Sundance Systems Inc. has developed Sundance CAD Bridge to transfer data from diverse CAD applications to the Sundance RMS software program.
Sundance RMS makes data reporting easy, clear and concise. Uploading to the State of Ohio is quick and efficient as Sundance applications promote smooth data transfer.
“At Sundance, we are committed to continual improvement in the applications we provide our safety service customers. By developing the Sundance CAD Bridge we can now offer customers with dispatch software other than Sundance CAD a better records management alternative," states Sundance President Dennis Withem.
For more information about the Sundance CAD Bridge, just call us at 216-328-8551 or email us at dennisw@sundance-sys.com.